I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment…

December 23, 2009 at 1:24 am (just (me)linda)

The past year and a half have been tricky. So many times I have felt like I’ve reached the limit of what I’m capable of handling, and then my family and I have been asked to take on more. There have been days, like today, when I have to wonder how things can possibly carry on, and in a moment of self-pity, I decide that I am just not strong enough.

Tonight I was humbled to the core. I feel so small for the way I was acting. I don’t know why I have to be reminded over and over that Greg and I are not alone. We have so many people who care for us, and we have the most generous family, friends and neighbors. I honestly don’t know how we have survived the past eight or nine months. It’s just crazy.

To the boy who was hiding behind our dumpster tonight: I don’t know who you are, but you have my heartfelt thanks. You can’t even know…

And to the countless others who have provided in one way or another to my family: I love you. Thank you.

I am speechless.

Except maybe for this: I know there is a time and a season for all things. I know my family is where it is for a reason. I love Greg with all my heart, and have never been more sure that he and I were meant to be together. I know that we have a Heavenly Father who is mindful of us, and I am beyond grateful for how He watches over my family. I love this talk, but I sort of hate it at the same time because it lists things I don’t want to hear. Like “it’s for your good” and “bear it well.” Mostly because I hate to admit that I know “it is”, and I know “I should.” Thank goodness for a bigger perspective, and the experiences that remind me to pull my head out, and take note that this is but a small moment.

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My take-away

December 15, 2009 at 4:35 am (just (me)linda)

We had stake conference this week, and though I missed quite a bit of it due to a minor emergency, (ect.) I was profoundly impacted by one thought. I’m making it my new motto for 2010…starting today.

Here it is:

Enjoy what you have today. Then enjoy what comes tomorrow.

Simple, yet profound.

Profound for me anyways.

This thought was prompted by a brief sentence at the end of my Stake President’s address to the youth. The youth morningside was the only full session I was able to attend. I got what I needed though. With kids, and commotion…bathroom breaks, snacks, car noises, restless bodies, and kids (did I mention them already?) one can wonder if attending things like stake conference is worth it. Then the distractions pause for a brief moment, and the spirit somehow breaks through. I’m grateful for those teaching moments that make it worth the production.

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The season with all the trimmings

December 9, 2009 at 12:36 am (Family, Fun With Cameras, Little Lamb Chop)

It was so fun to decorate the house with my kids this year. Brenden really got into helping with all the details, and Miles and Eve danced with excitement. The stories behind each ornament were told as we found the perfect spot to hang it. When everything was in it’s place, we turned off all the lights and spent the rest of the evening playing by tree light. The boys set up their train underneath, and Eve circled the tree over and over studying all the ornaments. Christmas is almost better as a parent than it was when I was a kid. I’m sure that is because some of my best memories include the glow of a Christmas tree, and it warms my heart to see that same joy reflect in the eyes of my children as twinkle lights dance on their faces. Every morning the boys get so excited to “turn the tree on, so it can be beautiful” and I’m more than happy to oblige. I love Christmas! Not really the big day even…it’s the whole build up to Christmas Day that I love. It’s just merry and bright and all that jazz. :) I love it! Greg asked me the other morning how I can stand to listen to Christmas music all day long. He’s crazy!


My sister sent Eve this dress. Greg and I are generally not big fans of velvety, frilly dresses for little girls, but we both had to admit that she looks darn cute in this fur trimmed number. She BEGS to wear it every time she finds it. That and her witch costume. It’s so funny to me how she’s already into dressing up. All of my hair ties double as her bracelets, and head bands are necklaces. Give this girl a purse, and she’s over-the-moon excited. So different from my boys that came out making car noises.

On a photography side note: My camera does not handle high ISO levels well AT ALL. I’ve noticed that my images start getting significantly noisy on anything over 200. It used to bug me, but I’ve decided to embrace it. This picture of Eve, for example, was lit only by our Christmas tree. I bumped the ISO to 1600, and really liked the dreamy glow I got. I think the added grain makes it all the more enchanting. I absolutely love experimenting with photography. It’s so fun to me. I remember the day I really learned what aperture meant and how it worked, and my view of the whole world changed. I’m totally not exaggerating…the WHOLE world. :)

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December 5, 2009 at 1:00 am (Little Lamb Chop)

I tried to dress the kids up all respectable like for Thanksgiving. Eve took it too far.


I can’t recall ever putting gloss of any kind on her, so it beats me how she knows how to apply lip color. It’s hot though, right? Little squirt is so mischievous! She had only been missing a few moments when Greg found her with the markers in the bonus room. There wasn’t a bit of color anywhere else. What can I say, Girl knows what she wants.

Our Thanksgiving was great…full of family, uh-mazing food, and lots of laughter. Can’t beat that! Greg and I have so much to be thankful for. So much.

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