
May 16, 2012 at 12:16 am (just (me)linda)

Today I had a root canal. Apparently, my tooth had really long roots, so I had to get numbed up to high heaven.


It was cracking me up when I got home. Try as I might, I could not wrinkle the left side of my nose. For the life of me, I don’t know how people do botox. I really love being able to move my face. Having facial numbness after the dentist is soooo weird. I one part love it, because it’s so funny feeling, but I equal parts want to scream with the crazies because it bugs big time.

Dear Internet,

Can we keep things real for a minute? This is going to be a super awkward post. I’m going to be frank….I have been afraid to blog. However, at the same time, I have been dying to write. I have been afraid, because my personal world has been so complex, and I really don’t want to be misinterpreted. These last months have held my deepest sorrows, but also some of my greatest joys. I feel like an old weathered soul with a wealth of scars, but simultaneously like a freshy baby with shaky but eager legs. My emotional state is  a lot like spring really. Winter hangs on the edge, but growth and sunshine press forward. It seems that spring has a lot to teach me each year. I decided the other day that mid-winter is really not the time to be setting lofty resolutions. Forget New Years! The end of winter is a much more natural time to stretch and grow as a person. I think even people need sunshine to find strength to blossom. I’ve also decided that spring is my favorite season.

Anywho, there it is. This has been a time of hard learning for my soul, but I am grateful for it. I can feel great things happening. I have not known where to start blogging, so my numb face is as good a place as any. Let’s awkwardly slog on while I try to find my voice again, shall we? How about a bunch of celly pics from instagram? Mm-kay? Mm-kay. PS: Do you instagram? I hear all the cool kids do. My username is spearmintmango. Look me up.

My Mother’s Day weekend was lovely. Eve helped me pick out a new necklace. The beads are really red, and the big one is an awesome mustard-y yellow. Love it.

red beads

As I paid for it, Eve looked up at me with her big brown eyes, and said, “Mommy, can we please share your new neckess?” :)

On Friday night, Greg took me to pick out a frame for a print he got me at Christmas. SO SO excited to finally have it up on my wall. On Saturday, we took the family to Tucanos for lunch. I love Brazilian food, and will never turn down a feast of grilled pineapple. The fam let me nap off the HUGE meal afterwards. Naps are the best.


My friend, Holly, gave Greg the hookup to give me lilacs. My very favorite flower.

date night

The weather on Saturday evening was awesome. Greg and I were able to get out of the house alone to a go see a PBR bull-riding event. Driving on country roads with the windows down does good things for my heart.


Rodeos are just plain good fun. We laughed a lot, and had a really good time.

Sunday was super chill. Brenden announced from the pulpit, “I love my mom, because of the look of her face.” Hahahahahaha! Not sure what that meant exactly, but I loved it. I quite like being a mom. It’s an up and down world just like everything else, but the payoffs are so worth it. My family is rad.


This morning was a beautiful spring morning here in Boise. I went running with a lot on my mind. On the way home I decided to risk the dirt path that runs along the river by my house. The river is crazy high. Knee high over the trail, but did it stop me? Only long enough to get a picture. :) It smelt like the mountains. It made me smile, and helped me clear my head. I made a commitment to myself to really get outside everyday in some way. I need water, trees, dirt, and adventure. :)

Back to my mouth: I’m so excited about my root canal. Weird to say probably, but true. Tonight I ate ice cream without wincing in pain the whole time, because of an angry tooth. Tillamook chocolate peanut butter has never tasted to good. The actual procedure sucked, but the payoff will be worth it. I’m living by that motto a lot.

“I have seen enough ups and downs throughout my life to know that winter will surely give way to the warmth and hope of a new spring. … I am optimistic about the future. For our part, we must remain steadfast in hope, work with all our strength, and trust in God.”  -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Hope y’all like that quote as much as I do.

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