I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment…

December 23, 2009 at 1:24 am (just (me)linda)

The past year and a half have been tricky. So many times I have felt like I’ve reached the limit of what I’m capable of handling, and then my family and I have been asked to take on more. There have been days, like today, when I have to wonder how things can possibly carry on, and in a moment of self-pity, I decide that I am just not strong enough.

Tonight I was humbled to the core. I feel so small for the way I was acting. I don’t know why I have to be reminded over and over that Greg and I are not alone. We have so many people who care for us, and we have the most generous family, friends and neighbors. I honestly don’t know how we have survived the past eight or nine months. It’s just crazy.

To the boy who was hiding behind our dumpster tonight: I don’t know who you are, but you have my heartfelt thanks. You can’t even know…

And to the countless others who have provided in one way or another to my family: I love you. Thank you.

I am speechless.

Except maybe for this: I know there is a time and a season for all things. I know my family is where it is for a reason. I love Greg with all my heart, and have never been more sure that he and I were meant to be together. I know that we have a Heavenly Father who is mindful of us, and I am beyond grateful for how He watches over my family. I love this talk, but I sort of hate it at the same time because it lists things I don’t want to hear. Like “it’s for your good” and “bear it well.” Mostly because I hate to admit that I know “it is”, and I know “I should.” Thank goodness for a bigger perspective, and the experiences that remind me to pull my head out, and take note that this is but a small moment.


  1. Lauren said,

    Melinda… just the fact that you recognize your faith and family during hard times shows that you have great faith and strength within you. I don’t know what you have been going through, but I admire your perspective and I know you’ll make it. You are a beautiful person inside and out and I just love you!

    Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!

  2. Lauren said,

    P.S. Thank you for the beautiful talk. I am sending prayers your way.

    P.P.S. Dana is in pre-labor… has been to the hospital twice but not quite ready to stay. We’re going to have the first Jensen grandson any minute!! :)

  3. keely said,

    Thanks for sharing and reminding me to have faith! I love you and am glad we are friends….after all these years!!! Have a great Christmas!!!!

  4. Reese said,

    Maybe you should run around your apartment naked. I find it humbles me really fast. ha ha.

    But seriously. I love you to pieces and miss you guys tons. You are one of my favorites.

  5. Jaymie said,

    I totally know how you feel. When I get fed up with my kids I have to remeber to be grateful that they aren’t perfect. ‘Cause I had one that was so perfect he didn’t have to stick around. That’s no fun at all. Love ya girl! Hang in there!

  6. Gwenny said,

    I love you tons, Melinda. You are amazing and I wish I was there to give you a great big hug. Hang in there, sister. You’ve got so many people that love you. Everything happens for a reason. Keep the faith.

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