Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman…

November 21, 2010 at 1:47 am (Family, Little Lamb Chop)


It seems Fall has come and gone so fast. Is it just me?

It snowed today. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not altogether sad about it. Bundling up Miles like the kid from A Christmas Story (because he was sure he could make a snowman out of the snow/rain mix) made my morning. We have our radio perma-tuned to Christmas music, and I have a hankering for hot chocolate like nothing else. (That must be satisfied tomorrow.) However, Fall has been so nice this year, I hate to see it get so freezy. It’s a bit of a sad day when you realize that a cozy sweater just isn’t enough to cut it. It’s all good though, bring on the holidays!!!

In addition to being slushy, today was super busy. It was easy to tell that my children were feeling a little neglected as Greg and I worked on several projects. Greg had to leave for the evening just before dinner, and we were hurrying to get as much done as possible before then. The kids and I had a nice (but quick) meal together, then I was right back into finishing up what we had started. Long story short, by bedtime, my fuse had was all but gone, and my kids were increasingly hard of hearing. When the three little “dears” were finally jammied up, teeth brushed, and ready for bed, we all met in the boys’ room for prayers. That’s when I looked at my Miles, my Brenden, and my Eve, and I realized what I had missed out on all day. I asked them if they could think of a song that would help us all feel happy. Miles shouted out, “I Am A Child of God.” We sang it plus a song about a snowman, and it worked. I was really glad for that little bonding moment. I kissed my smiling boys goodnight, and carried my sweet Eve to her new big girl bed. (One of the before mentioned projects.)


I tucked her in with all her dollies, and she sweetly demanded, with outstretched arms, “Mommy, a hug.” How could I refuse? I leaned over to snuggle her when she wrapped her arms around my neck fiercely, and pulled my head to her chest. I could feel her hot breath on my face, and hear her steady heartbeat thump thump in my ear. I had the thought,” This is perfection.” I literally had to just close my eyes and savor it. After a short while, I slightly lifted my head just in time to see her eyes nod off. At the end of a day like today, I don’t know what I did to deserve such a gift.

I’m grateful I had the chance to tuck my kids in tonight.

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November 7, 2010 at 10:40 pm (Family, just (me)linda)

I often find myself driving down the road, thinking about how I should post “such and such” on facebook. Of all things I could be thinking about! It drives me crazy, so today I deleted my account. It’s gone. Bye bye. Sayounara.

I’ve thought about doing it many times before, but have always rationalized keeping it. There were good reasons to stay…strengthening extended family ties, connecting with old friends, keeping track of youth I’ve worked with, ect. ect. When it came right down to it though, I had to admit that facebook was a problem for me. It’s not like I was some crazed mother who would kill for her screen time. (so sad) I didn’t play any games on it. It just occupied too much of my mind, and therefore, had to go. I’m not going to lie though…I feel like I just stepped way out of the loop, and I’ll miss the laughs and updates. Sometimes a good thing has to be sacrificed for something better.

It had become increasingly clear to me that I need to re-prioritize and simplify my life. I think my family is lovely, and is much more deserving of my face-time.





How do you feel about FB? Do any of you know of a 12-step program for living without it? =) haha

PS- The picture of Eve and the shot of our family were taken by my bro-in-law, Jordan. I love them.

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