Purple thumbs

October 26, 2009 at 1:11 pm (Family, Flashback Friday)

The first frost of the season marks the time to think about grape juice. Since I can remember, my Mom has bottled her own homemade grape juice, and my siblings and I have spent many an October General Conference weekend doing our part to help. There was picking in the neighbors vineyard, which meant dealing with TONS of spiders. I hate spiders! But for some reason I always loved going to harvest grapes. Especially when my brothers would come. Brothers = grape wars. Think dodge ball with concord grapes. :) Now there’s a good time! I’m sure we drove the Cox’s crazy. When we’d get in trouble for throwing food, we’d find other ways to entertain ourselves. (ie: racing to see who could fill their baskets the fastest. I loved my Mom’s old bushel baskets. So vintagy.) Back at the house, we would get everything ready, so we could sit and stem grapes while we listened to Conference. Bowls of stemless concords would then go to my Mom who would turn them into delicious nectar in half gallon jars. Mmmmm deep purple goodness…the perfect mate to air popped popcorn (smothered in real butter) on relaxing Sunday evening.

I’m so glad that my parents made us work together like that. Sure we would complain, but we’d always end up having a good time. I think that’s what I liked most about being from a big family. There were always seven other kids around to make whatever we were doing interesting.

Sure enough, right before Conference this year, the weather to a turn to chilly. The first frost came, and set the sugar in the grapes. Harvest time was here. My sister found me some grapes here in town, so the kids and I loaded them up, and drove down to Twin to bottle them with my Mom. We had such a good time! The Autumn weather was awesome when we got there…nippy but sunny. I wrote a little bit about it while we were there, but here are some pictures to go with it.


Of coarse the kids ran straight to the tramp to take full advantage of the sunshine and a backyard.

Eve’s static, trampoline hair was spectacular.

I’m falling in love with dramatic black and whites loaded with graininess. Can I just say again…her hair was the BOMB! It still makes me laugh.

Brenden loves using my camera lately. It cracks me up to go though his shots. There were tons of the water fountain, random bushes, and Grandpa’s motorcycles. TONS. He took some that I really like though. Like this one of my Mom and I…grubby, no make-up, and working. It’s a slice of real life. Not wanting to miss out on the sunshine, we took our grapes out back by the porch swing. Sitting on the swing, watching my kids live it up outside was…well perfect .

Here are our grapes…ready to be washed and bottled. (taken by B)

I really love this one that he took. Completely candid, and focusing on the “pointy tree”.

The boys really like helping too. Especially Miles. He was all about pulling off grapes. Then we found this little green guy among the bunches, and he and Brenden played with him forever. Read “playing” as trying to force feed it dead leaves, and laughing hysterically when it would crawl off the edge of things.

In the evening we met my Dad downtown by his office to enjoy Octoberfest. I think Eve was tired from all the playing because this scowl didn’t leave her face…even when she rode the train. We couldn’t stop laughing at her perma-glare. The boys, and I had a blast though, and they of coarse LOVED the train.




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Grandparents are the greatest things.

Isn’t my Daddy a handsome guy? I love his snowy hair and beard with his bright blue eyes.

to be continued…

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I love being a mom.

October 24, 2009 at 9:34 am (Little Lamb Chop)

Photobucket Eve got sick out of the blue yesterday. We were all relaxing in my room, when she randomly threw up all over her Lamb Chop costume. It didn’t stop there. Poor thing. On the plus side though, she was snugglie and sweet all day. In fact, I think a small part of me secretly likes when my kids are sick. My kids handle sickness very well. Almost too well. They get deliciously cuddly, and if you can look past the barfing, it’s a beautiful thing.

The thing about Eve is, she has never been one to be held or rocked to sleep. She loves her bed, and she likes to snooze alone. Sick days are pretty much the only exception. Yesterday was full of naps on laps. I love watching her sleep! These days she’s all mischief and mayhem, so it was so nice to have her just be Mama’s little chiller for a while. My favorite part of the day was when I put her down for her afternoon nap. I wanted her to sleep really well so I put her in her bed like normal. After she had been in there a while, she started fussing so I went in to make sure she hadn’t thrown up again. I think she was just a little sad, because she was so happy to see me. She didn’t seem to want to get up though, so I just started talking to her. I pulled out the camera, because she looked so sweet, and I was sure that any minute she’d want to get up and be held.




I guess she must have just wanted some company, because she was perfectly content to just kick back and chat.



She was being so silly. Super talkative and smiley.



I just love this girl!


Amid all the chit chat and camera clicks, she rolled over to a comfy spot, and started singing to herself.


Before I knew it, her eyelids grew heavy, and the singing turned to humming.


A few eye rubs later and she was off to dreamland.


Nothing but heavy breathing.


I could have sat there and watched that over and over. I’m so grateful that Heavenly Father let her be mine. This was one of the many moments that make me cherish motherhood.

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Fun in Utah (part two)

October 13, 2009 at 2:47 pm (Diabetically Speaking, Family)

My mother-in-law, Jan, has a beautiful yard full of big rocks to climb, colorful flowers to smell, and delicious berries to eat. With a pretty view of the mountains, and perfect end-of-summer weather, I found sitting on the back porch to enjoy it all irresistible. It didn’t take the rest of the family long to follow suit.

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Brenden had a blast searching Grandma’s garden for ripe raspberries and strawberries.




He saved this one just for his daddy. It was “as big as his head.” He couldn’t wait to show Greg.

Brenden’s lips were still sticky with from the last round of picking he and I had done. Does it get any better than fresh berries off the vine? Mmm mmm mmm…yum.


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Brenden was so proud of his harvest, and loved sharing it. Eve was much obliged to take advantage of his generous mood, and quickly found her way to a prime access spot.



Miles woke up just in time to snag a couple berries from the bucket before they were all gobbled up.



When his grandma saw this face, she couldn’t help but go hunt for more for him to munch.


Miles tried to help, but ripe ones were hard to come by at that point. Fortunately, Grandma is a good hunter, and found a few more crimson gems tucked under the branches.

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I’ve never seen a kid shovel food into his mouth so fast. You’d think he’d want to take the time to savor the treat, but no! I’m sure he was thinking, I had better woof these as fast as I can, before Mom changes her mind and makes me test my numbers. I makes me kinda sad that I know he thinks about diabetes so much at such a young age, but it’s a good thing too. He’s so darn smart! I’m just glad that a handful a berries from Grandma without insulin is not the end of the world for him. Diabetes is so blasted inconvenient, but it’s manageable and there is some room for error. It was totally worth his being slightly high at dinner for this little moment of just being a kid.


When there were no more berries to be picked, Brenden moved on to flowers. Soon most of us had a bit of summer tucked behind an ear.


Oh how I already miss these days of bare feet and shorts!


I am, however, loving Fall and all things that coordinate with red hair…ie: pumpkins and changing leaves. :) The kids are getting so excited for Halloween. I may just have to rethink Eve’s costume, and put her sweet pirate face to good use.

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Fun in Utah (part one)

October 11, 2009 at 2:44 am (Family, Fun With Cameras)

My children love few things more than going to visit their Grandma and Papa in Utah.


The first night we were there, the kids and I had the house to ourselves while the others we at the public viewing. How do you keep three kids out of trouble in a home that is less childproofed than your own? Introduce them to Grandma’s HUGE tub.

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I can’t even tell you how much fun they had. It was hilarious. Eve is just as much of a daredevil as her brothers…if not more. Time was killed, and kids were cleaned. I love that combo.

In the morning, I got the kids all dressed up, and ready to go to the funeral. They looked so cute (…and smelled good too. Thanks again, huge tub.) I thought I’d take them outside and snag a good picture of them. I was thinking Christmas card maybe? …


This is what I got. Brenden bored, and NOT LOOKING. Classic. Eve, angry that she gets held in place all the time. Miles, somewhat compliant, but out of focus. Looks like a winner! Keeps your eyes out for it coming this December. (PS-I know a couple kids that are getting coal in their stockings.)


Oh wait, maybe Santa will bring presents! They just can’t function in group settings maybe.



It is so rare for me to get a “true Brenden” eye contact and smile. Candy canes for you, Buddy!


Ahhh…and there’s the Smart A we all know and love.


Op…still coal for Eve. Naughty girl. Cute, naughty girl.


Is it just me, or is Greg’s grandpa one of the most handsome grandpas you’ve ever seen?


I think my kids’ grandpa is very handsome too. Especially in this picture.

To be continued…

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Grandma Beckstrand’s Funeral

October 11, 2009 at 2:03 am (Family)

Greg’s grandmother’s funeral services were sweet. It was a tender weekend, but a wonderful weekend too. We arrived just in time for the family viewing. It was so good to see everyone, and take a moment to be with Grandma. She looked beautiful. It was really interesting to watch my kids’ reactions to the situation…especially Miles. He was very concerned and curious. He asked all sorts of questions, including the classic, “Where are her legs?!” He is so observant. It was killing me how grown up he seemed. Brenden, on the other hand, was sweetly naive to all that was going on. He’s such a funny kid. It was amazing to me how Eve seemed to know that it was a reverent occasion, and she acted accordingly. Every time I took her up to the casket, she would quietly look down on Grandma with a face full of familiarity. I can’t really explain it, but it was a knowing look.

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Afterward, we went out to dinner with Grandpa and Aunt Sandra. While we waited to be seated, Eve was perfectly content to sit with her Great Grandpa. She would look up and study him, then cozy in and chill.


I was so taken in by Grandpa’s eyes. The were so bright and twinkly. They match his personality…full of kindness.

The actual funeral was held the following day. Eve was much less reverent as the day wore on, but she made up for it with a stirring tribute to Grandma. All the grandkids and great grandkids stood on stage to sing, “I Am A Child Of God”. As soon as the girls started in, Eve too started belting it out…straight into the microphone. It. was. awesome. And thus began her love for singing the hymns. What can I say, the girl is a sucker for an organ. I have to think though, that Grandma was tickled pink by it. It was darling. The boys were perfectly behaved, and Eve allowed me to sit through most of the service. I loved hearing more stories of Grandma. I learned that she loved to dance, and she loved the outdoors. In fact, she was at their ward campout just a week or two before she passed away! She was a very dedicated Latterday Saint, particularly when it came to visiting teaching. I could learn a ton from her about what it means to be a good visiting teacher. She was such a wonderful lady, and I can just imagine her so happy to be free from her ailing body, and doing a jig in heaven.


Greg and his Dad were able to be pallbearers. Greg was very honored by that, and was joined by four of his cousins. There was a son from each of her children carrying her. The cemetery was beautiful, and is right next to the Bountiful Temple.


Her flowers were absolutely lovely.


I found my self thanking Grandma a few times for bringing us all together. We don’t get together with the Beckstrand side of the family very often, which is a shame. They are fun people, and I wish I knew them better. Even better than catching up with extended family though, was hanging out with Greg’s fam.


It’s always fun to have the three brothers together. They are all soooo different! It cracks me up. I just love ’em! Chris and Adam have felt like my own brothers from the get-go, and now that they’re both married, I love their families too. I am really fortunate to have fantastic in-laws.

PhotobucketThe Hough boys (minus Chris’ boys: Aidan and Gavin)

PhotobucketEve with her Grandma

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The lady in the red dress.

October 8, 2009 at 2:00 am (Family, Flashback Friday)

While on break from school, Joseph Beckstrand paid a visit to his aunt in Salt Lake. There happened to be a dance in the area that Saturday, and she asked Joe if he would consider going if she could find him a date.

The blind date was set with the girl next door, and he was game as long as said girl was nothing like her little brother. (Apparently, he had been a bit pesty earlier in the day.)

On Saturday evening, Joe found himself mesmerized by a woman in a red dress. He watched as she descended down the stairs. At first all he could see was her feet. Then her ankles…legs…and so on.


When her face came into view, he knew he was going to marry her.


And marry, her he did. His bride, petite and demure, had to stand on a box to fit into the frame with her statuesque husband.


It didn’t take long before their love blossomed into a family.

PhotobucketCraig, Sandra, Mark, Janice (Greg’s Mom), Ron, and Neil

Jean raised the kids, dancing in the kitchen, and her smile only got bigger as grandchildren and great grandchildren were added to her posterity. On August the 4th, she and Joseph celebrated their 60th anniversary.

And to this day he can still picture her standing on those stairs, a vision in her red dress. He swears it was red…he’s completely colorblind. :)

Grandma Beckstrand passed away on September 1st. We miss her, and look forward to a time when we’ll be together again.

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What I did today.

October 3, 2009 at 12:53 am (Diabetically Speaking, Family, just (me)linda)

Bottled a ton of grape juice with mi madre. My thumbs are purple from all the de-stemming. The sunshine on the back porch was sublime. Delighted the boys with a caterpillar. Built a blanket fort for the kids. Marveled at the joy that can come to a little boy when he’s given a flashlight. Got festive downtown. Love Octoberfest. Lusted after a ring made out of a button. No really, I think I might have to start a vintage button collection. Laughed really hard at Eve’s scowl as she rode the “train” with the boys. Got lots of pictures that make me smile. Decided I love my dad’s white beard. Thought it was funny how fast Miles inhaled his pack of smarties. (It was as if he never gets those. Weird.) Satisfied my tummy rumblings with a Southwest Chipotle Steak sandwich at Papa K’s. Glad we accidentally ordered a whole, so I can have it again tomorrow. Good grief it was good. Listened to Brenden recite the Pledge of Allegiance again. I don’t think that’ll ever get old. Just finished Runaway Bride on cable. Laughed at how my mom can’t stay on one channel. Looking forward to the rest of the weekend in 2 Falls.

And now off to test Miles, and hit the hay myself.

*Miss you, Babe. Like guac without cilantro…it’s just not the same.

**Oh and yes…I haven’t forgotten how to post. I just, you know, don’t really have the time or whatever. (Don’t worry, I just gave myself an eye roll.)

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