January 27, 2010 at 12:49 am (Big B, Family)

I swear my oldest has gone from little, chub toddler to GIANT KID over night.

Can you believe this picture? B was such a cute little chunk!  (He’s not the only one that’s changed over the years, eh? Why do I have zero color in my face? bleh.)

Big B turned six on Sunday. SIX! I am baffled as to how that happened. It feels like I gave birth to him like six days ago!

Big B is so much fun, especially when he gets all glow-y from being the center of attention. His smile in the background of this picture says it all. He was so excited for my dear Ashley to deliver his B.O.B. the Blob cake for him. I can’t even tell you how nice it was not to have to worry about his cake! Cake decor is so not my forte. If your cakes are uninspiring (like mine) or decorating cakes is just not your bag (my hand raised), Ash can make a custom one for you too. Seriously, she’s awesome!

We rented Monsters Vs. Aliens a while back. Have you seen it? You should. Especially if you have little boys who happen to be obsessed with monsters and/or aliens. I think that pretty much covers all preschool and kindergarten age males, doesn’t it? Ashley hadn’t seen the movie, but she filled B’s cake order perfectly.


B.O.B. was Ashley’s first attempt at molded fondant. His eye was the best part. She used a paintbrush and gel food coloring. It still blows me away how cool it turned out! Such talent! ….but I digress, back to discussing birthday stuff.

While we waited for the cake to arrive, B and Milage helped me make jello Bobs in clear plastic cups for our extended family dinner. There were blue Bobs, green Bobs, and pink, orange and red ones too. We used sprite to make them zippy and bubbly, and gave them each a grape for an eye. When it came time to serve them, each one got a healthy topping of whipping cream. Everyone seemed to like them, and as a bonus I was able to make a few of them sugar free so Miles didn’t feel left out come dessert time. Most importantly, Brenden thought they were cool.

Funny story: One of the neighbor kids saw us carrying around party stuff, and came over with a thousand questions. After playing around for a bit, he ran back to his house. Next thing we knew, there was a knock at the door. There was Ethan with a package wrapped up with a grocery bag. “Happy Birthday! Here’s a present!” he hollered. Inside was a small, used football and a couple of rocks. I just about died at the cuteness. Then on Monday we were at the park with said boy and his brother, when I overheard the brother ask Ethan what he gave B for his birthday. When Ethan told him, the brother exclaimed, “Hey! That football was mine!” HAHA

I’ve been wanting to incorporate some new traditions into our family, so we decided to adopt this idea of releasing balloons with birthday wishes. We did it before all the cousins showed up, so it’d still be light outside. We stood together, and everyone said a wish for B, and we let the balloons float up. I loved taking time for everyone to say something nice to the birthday boy. I think in the future maybe we’ll add saying something we’re grateful for about that person in addition to the wishes.



Miles really didn’t want to let go of his balloon. Then he accidentally did let go, and we all laughed.

Miles, not being one to miss out on a good laugh, went into crazy, laughy mode and tackled the birthday boy.

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Holiday weekend

January 26, 2010 at 3:26 pm (Big B, Family, Food)


Very, very low on the list of great things Martin Luther King, Jr did for the human race was give us a holiday. The only thing better than the weekend is a long weekend. :) Greg’s parents came up to spend the long weekend with us, and celebrate Brenden’s birthday a little early.  On Saturday they snatched him away for a lunch date, and some shopping for much needed Sunday shoes. (He’s growing like a weed right now!) Brenden was so excited to spend time with just them. He kept reminding us the we all had to stay home…just in case we got any ideas. Greg and I cherish moments spent with our own grandparents, so we were pretty excited for him too. They lunched at The Iceburg where he had so much non-diabetic friendly food that he couldn’t even finish the ice cream at the end. What more could a kid ask for?! After lunch he got a great pair of shoes, and talked his grandma into buying him a toy too. Needless to say, his afternoon with Papa and Grandma was all he hoped for a more. Pretty lucky kid.

I am pretty lucky too, because I actually like having my in-laws around. Not every one can say that. It’s a pretty great thing. Thanks, Bryan and Jan!


We’ve really needed a family shot of us, I realized I didn’t even care if it was crappy. I just wanted something of us together. I asked Greg’s parents to grab a quick snap shot of the fam before they left town. One thing about having an SLR camera is it can be hard for a bystander to just pick it up and shoot. It’s is a little out of focus, but what can you do? I’m glad to have it.

After we rushed to get Papa and Grandma on the road, we let the kids muck around for a bit. Brenden and Miles have never met a rock that they didn’t want to climb. I really love the area that we live in…and Miles’ face.


I had an errand to run later that day, so Miles “fixed” his hair so he could come with me. The picture doesn’t show just how much product he had in his hair. He smelt real good though. This boy is just as mischievous and fun as he looks.

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Miles thinks I have pretty hair.

January 15, 2010 at 9:29 pm (just (me)linda, Mileage)

“Mom, why did you do your hair like that?”

“Because I thought it would be pretty. Do you think it’s pretty?”

“Yeah….. It’s all brown and hairy.”

I could fill my blog all day long with the stuff I hear around here. Life must have been so boring before the kids came. Sometimes it’s difficult to recall a time without them. It just feels like they’ve always been here. I mean that in a good way. However, the onset of motherhood also did a number on my brain, soooo….I’m just sayin’…it’s hard to recall things. Anyone feel like they lost braincells during delivery? My hand is raised, but hey, at least I have pretty hair. :)

I made this and a roast for dinner tonight. Greg walked in and said, “This is a fancy dinner for a Friday night!”

It was fancy. And good. And uncharacteristic. And good.

I say uncharacteristic, because we’ve been eating a whole lotta meals based around quesadillas or eggs lately. But OH BILLY how tonight’s supper gave me a big ol’ dinner baby. (I feel compelled to admit that half the pooch must be blamed on all the chocolate cake I’ve consumed in the past three days. Shhhh…don’t tell. Actually, the recipe for the cake came from the same source as the potatoes. Good golly it’s delicious!)

Have you heard of P-dub? She’s rad, but fattening, and should really be avoided at all costs.

Maybe we all need to shiver off a few calories by looking at some coldy, January pictures. I took them on a recent sledding trip. Aren’t post better with pictures?


PhotobucketFrozen Lake Cascade


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Three things my three kids did today that made me laugh.

January 10, 2010 at 11:39 pm (Big B, Little Lamb Chop, Mileage)

Numero uno:

At the table for lunch, Brenden asked, “Mom, will you ask Dad if I can play Lego Batman?”

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” I queried. Greg was sitting right next to me after all.

“WHAT!!! That would be crazy!! He will always say no, no, no!”

Numero dos:

Miles ran into the kitchen, naked as a jaybird, and flashed me his rear end.

“Mom, I just tooted in my room, and something yucky came out of my bum!”

Sure enough…

Numero tres:

I asked the the boys to pick up their toys before bed. Eve is such a good helper lately. She truly loves it, and the boys have caught on. They sat and watched as Eve pretty much cleaned their room single-handedly. This event didn’t make me laugh so much in the moment. Brothers! They are such punks!

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