I have a story to tell you.

May 12, 2011 at 10:47 am (just (me)linda)


Oh, you wanted pretty pictures to go with it? RUDE. I’m totally offended. Listen, don’t be jel that you’re not this sexy. Not everyone can be. It’s a gift. (Or maybe this was just my allergy to BYU acting up. Who can know for sure?) Amazing picture aside, here is where our story begins: Me, loopy/hyper, late at night, checking into the BYU dorms, after a long drive, armed with a cell phone camera. (And showing some cleavage apparently.) (Op, made ya look.) (Sorry.)


Three and a half days away at BYU Women’s Conference with my mom and two of my sisters. YES PLEASE.


Can you see why I would have been a bit hyper upon arrival? I LOVE these women! The only thing that could have made the weekend more fun/silly/enlightening/soul-restoring would have been having more of my fristers there. (sister+friend=frister) I’m so lucky to call my sisters and sister-in-laws friends. They’re all awesome, and make my world a better place. I guess I could apply the same word combo skill to my mom, but she’s no “mister”. She is, however, AMAZING, and a dear friend as well. I love being with her. Thanks, Mama, for bringing me along! I thoroughly enjoyed spending some T.I.M.E. with you, Gwen and Reese.

My mom made women’s conference with her daughters a tradition many, many years ago. I’ve only been able to go a few times, but I have to say, this year was BY FAR my favorite. I haven’t been is so long, and the marathon of spiritual nourishment and laughter was just what I needed. I actually loved staying in the dorms too. I came home with a full notebook, and a full heart. The speakers did a wonderful job, and I can’t count how many times I’ve opened my notebook since to refer back to the things I learned.

Photobucket   Photobucket

One class that we were really excited to attend was a panel discussion with the Clark sisters: Page Checketts, Courtney Jane Kendrick, Stephanie Nielson, and Lucy Beesley. (Gwen was downright giddy about it.) (“Just look at that face. She reels you in with that little face.”) (Name that movie.) If you don’t know who the Clark sisters are, let me give you a quick introduction.

I first “met” these women when Wendy of Blue Lily photographed the families of C.Jane and NieNie what feels like forever ago. You must know, I’ve been blog-stalking Wendy for years, and have a big crush on her talent. So when she linked to two blogs that she loved, of course I clicked over. I dare you to spend any amount of time on either blog, and not like the authors. I could relate to them. They made life as a mother, wife, and woman sound awesome (and it is) when everyone else around me seemed to be complaining about it.

Then the unthinkable happened. Stephanie and her husband were involved in a plane crash. Like so many around the world, I held my breath, prayed and watched as physical bodies slept and healed, as souls were refined and strengthened, and as family supported one another. Children grew, tears were shed, laughter rang, and romances burned brighter than ever. Miracles happened, and they didn’t hesitate to acknowledge where they came from. I started out liking their blogs, but I quickly grew to love Courtney, Stephanie, and their families. They oddly became a part of my life. I discussed them with my husband. I chatted about them with my sisters. I felt joy at their successes and sorrow at their setbacks. I have to admit though, I really wanted to attend their class, because I knew I would LAUGH. With talk of boobs and the Silver Fox, they definitely didn’t disappoint. The message was sweet, the laughs were plentiful, and the tears flowed freely. I felt blessed to be there.


At the very end of the conference we were fortunate to spot Nie, and thank her for the experience.


She was as gracious and kind as imagined she’d be. She is nothing short of lovely. Plus her shoes were AMAZING.


As we were walking out, we talked about all the good feelings we had going on. Elder David A. Bednar had just given the closing remarks for the conference. I think I involuntarily say a grateful wow every time I hear him speak. This time was no exception. We had just met the much admired NieNie. I could list a million good things about her. We were also very much looking forward to dinner at Magleby’s Fresh. YUM. So so many good things to discuss, when out of the corner of my eye, I spied C.Jane walking. This leads me to the following letter:


Dear C.Jane,

Remember me? That crazy lady that practically tackled you from behind? I can explain…sometimes my brain just can’t keep up with my body and mouth. I can’t say that I’m sorry though. It felt like running over to catch an old friend. I don’t know why I think I have a right to feel like I know you, but I do all the same. When Page spoke about how she finds words put to her feelings when she reads your work, I was nodding my head, and wanted to shout “Amen, Sista!” I can’t thank you enough for the example of strength and commitment you’ve given me, for the positivity, and for the laughs. Meeting you was FUN. I’m pretty sure I even slapped my knee at one point. I may or may not have cupped your beautiful face in my hands. Um…Sorry? Let’s maybe forget that happened.

Courtney, (may I call you Courtney?) keep on keepin’ on, and writing about it, because there are thousands of women, just like me, who love you for it. Thank you for hanging out with some home-girls from Twin…not that we gave you much choice. Please accept this letter as payment for the photos.

Yours truly,


Courtney complimented my hair, and said we were the most exciting people she had met all day. I think this sealed the deal on us being BFF’s. She was absolutely talking to me. No question.

The end.


  1. Missy said,

    You are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Wowsa!!!

  2. Amy Tucker said,

    Oh man….this is AWESOME!!!

  3. jennie kunz said,

    FUN!! Jealous. And I totally agree that you have amazing hair! Love you.

  4. Gregger said,

    Love that last pic, you look amazing!!!!!

  5. Jana said,

    Awe man, every minute I am sadder I didn’t go. I am so lame!

    You look hot and that Cjane post was def directed at you. Awesome.

  6. Gwenny said,

    Absolutely, positively one of the BEST days of my life!! I’m still giddy about it. And she was totally talking to you, me & Reese!! I just know it in my heart. Best Women’s Conference ever. Eeeeeeek! =)

  7. BJ Quigley said,

    Just catching up…What a beautiful story from a truly beautiful girl!!! Love you so much Melinda! Thanks for your kind words! I’ve always loved reading your posts. I think you are to others as C. Jane is to you. Keep writing! It was a truly spectacular week-end!!!

  8. Laura Van Noy said,

    Hi Melinda! I don’t know if I have talked to you since high school but I could not, not say how BEAUTIFUL that last picture is. Holy Wow!! You are simply beautiful.

    And Women’s conference sounds amazing!! I need to go sometime…all my in-laws go and I just know it would be so much fun.

    Anyways…Just so you know…I have stalked you from time to time:) Love your family and adorable kids.

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