Grassy grass

April 6, 2010 at 9:25 pm (just (me)linda)

I am surrounded by creative people. I love them. I love the creativity they bring out in me. How nice it is to have a wealth of friends, and family to go to for bits of knowledge and inspiration! I’m a lucky gal.

I’ve looked up to my childhood friend, Lauren, for almost as long as I can remember. (Looking up figuratively, seeing as I’ve always been at least a head taller than her. I was a giant among all my friends. But I digress…) Lauren has always had a knack for making life more beautiful. She’s artistic, intelligent, and genuinely kind. She and I share a love for nature, but where I’m an spectator of it, she’s a creator. Where I tend to kill, she succeeds in growth. I couldn’t be more happy that she’s planted a little internet plot to share her creativity and knowledge of horticulture. She’s inspired me to plant more in our little apartment, and has made me even more excited for my gardens in the future.

Recently I took her advice to brighten our winter world with some green therapy. I would have NEVER thought about growing my own wheat grass, but she made it seem easy and doable. I loved the idea of decorating for spring with it. The best part about the post, however, was the “seed” of inspiration it gave me for a Young Women activity I was having trouble planning. The few key words I had been thinking about suddenly all came into place. The result was a New Beginnings activity focused on growth through accepting and acting upon the Personal Progress Values. I couldn’t be more happy about how it turned out.

I decided to decorate for our activity with wheat grass planted in glass containers of varying shapes and sizes. The kids helped me plant them all. It was FUN! It’s a great science experiment for kids, because the they can really see the whole process. They loved checking the wheat berries each day to see the changes.

When they finally sprouted, we moved the containers from their dark cabinet, and lined our window sills.

We all watched with amazement as the pale sprouts synthesized to happy little spikes of green, reaching for the light.

Before we knew it, we had grass coming out of our ears. It was awesome. Lauren’s grass seemed a ton thicker, but I was very pleased with our result. Keep in mind that I tend to kill plants. My thumb is far from green, so green plants = victory.

I didn’t intend to use this pot for my project, but I had some leftover soaked berries so we planted them for fun. I ended up using it to display the new Young Womanhood Recognition Medallions. Each flower had a pendant placed in the center…one gold, one silver, plus the new Honor Bee charm.

You can kinda see it here. This is the only picture I got before my camera died. And yes, it did look like a pink bomb had gone off. We went real cliché, and uber pink thanks to another function that we borrowed decor from. I’m not gunna lie, I loved it.


I found a bunch of bugs to go with the grass. Mileage helped me make the butterflies into hair clips for the girls to keep. Just simple alligator clip covered in black ribbon. They turned out super cute. Cute enough that he insisted on wearing one the rest of the afternoon. (Someday you’ll deny that bud, but here’s the proof for posterity.) :)

Thanks Lauren for the fun idea! Having all the bright grass around really was therapeutic. Thanks even more assisting in opening my heart and mind to a lesson I needed. I love how inspiration/revelation can start with the smallest of things. Small and simple things, right? :) “V” club forever sista!! Hahaha


  1. Gwenny said,

    Melinda, you never cease to absolutely amaze me. You are so creative. I’m telling you what… I so wish Lindsey could be in your Young Women’s!!! Sister, you totally rock it!!

  2. Bethany said,

    Melinda… Your pictures are so cute! I love the idea. Once we get settled in somewhere, who knows when, I might try to do that to add some green to our house. That is if Lilly dosen’t eat it before it grows. Good work.

    Eve is getting so tall. Was she sucking her thumb in that picture?

    • (me)linda said,

      Bethany- She is getting super tall, eh!! She’s like a little weed lately. I didn’t notice that it totally looks like she’s sucking her thumb in the picture. Funny. I have no idea what she was doing. Prolly contemplating what she was going to “help” me with next. :) We miss having Clairy around!!!

  3. reese said,

    Your young women are lucky gals. I want some butterfly hair clips!

  4. Lauren said,

    Melinda you gave me far more credit than I deserve! But I am so happy to hear that it fueled your fire for an awesome activity. I love the bugs–they add such character! I’m sure the YW loved it all too. Now if only I had your photography skills… Guess we can’t all be good at everything. :) Love you!

  5. Chris said,

    Reminds me of my last area on my mission. The family we lived with used our refrigerator to store her wheat grass. Looks really nice. I wish I was that creative coming up with activities for the Young Men. I never know what to do.

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