Black Gold

August 21, 2009 at 9:02 am (Little Lamb Chop)

This morning I discovered that Eve is a CRAZY for blackberries. It’s my fault though really. What was to be expected when they were introduced to her ripe off the vine. Plump and juicy goodness…who among us could resist? Shortly after she ate her first, however, I made another discovery: Eve is not a very good picking companion. Tiny One insisted on devouring every third or fourth berry I picked. She’s a hamper on productivity, but for what she takes, she gives back tenfold in cuteness.


  1. Jill said,

    Please Please Please post a picture of her with a blackberry face!

  2. keely said,

    I LOVE blackberries too. Someone in our ward just gave me a flat of blackberries from their garden because they remembered that I was from Washington where blackberries grow on the sides of the roads. Some of my happiest memories with my mom are when we were picking blackberries and then making blackberry pie….yum, yum!

  3. reese said,

    For a minute there, I thought you were going to say that she turned the blackberries into black gold, if you catch my drift. ha ha. I love EveEE.

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