Where’s the van?

July 8, 2009 at 3:33 pm (Big B, Little Lamb Chop, Mileage)

We celebrated our great nation’s independence playing on the sand down by the river. (minus a van, government cheese, and a stash of doobies.)



Here’s Miles looking somewhat disturbed, because he has no pants on. And by no pants, I mean NO pants. There’s just a tiny strap keeping a handle on his dignity. That’s what you get for leaving the river with a soaking wet, sandy butt.

The whole day was great. After the river, we dressed up and went to see our good friend get baptized. What better way is there to celebrate our freedoms than watch a man take the first step toward making his family an eternal one? So cool. Grilling and fireworks with family is pretty good too. Which rocks because we got to do that too. Good times! Hope you had a good 4th as well!


A couple days later, Miles turned three. This year his candles were atop his grilled pizza. He thought that was pretty crazy. He requested chocolate ice cream for dessert. So we went out to the new Iceburg Drive-in for the biggest freakin’ cone I’ve ever seen. Eve was going out of her mind trying to steal bites from everyone. Someday she’ll learn that I’m the only one willing to share.


Happy Birthday my little Milage. Love you to pieces.


  1. Jill said,

    Happy Birthday Miles! Your pictures are looking great on manual mode. Today, I caved and just put my camera on automatic. I’m much happier that way some times. Love love love the car seat shot- priceless!

  2. Reese said,

    I thought about Miles all day on his birthday. I should have just called him and wished him Happy Birthday. I love your photos and got a good laugh from Miles’ car seat picture. Jordan walked by and commented on how pretty Eve is getting. I love her cute little suit!

    So excited to see you guys next month :-)

  3. Bethany said,

    Eve’s swimsuit is so cute… I think I saw that at Costco, no? She is growing up so fast. Brenden’s picture jumping in the river is funny. It captures so much of his personality. Happy Birthday Miles. Iceburg is one of our favorite places to go. Mom and I found that place during Morgan’s first couple of surgeries in SLC. It holds a few crazy memories attached with some really yummy comfort food. (Their shakes are amazing there too) We’ll be home soon…. YEAH!!!

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