Dear Falene,

July 8, 2009 at 10:56 pm (Family)

I am dying over this picture that Bryan took. I should be packing for my trip, but I couldn’t help but play with it in photoshop so I could gaze at that delicious face some more. He is perfect. OH MY HECK! And you look amazing too! I wish we could have been there. Please give little Gavin a HUGE kiss from Auntie Melinda. Aidan too. :)


Love, Melinda


  1. Bryan said,

    You were dying because the picture was so bad and you had to fix it or it was good and had possiblities? I can assure you that if it was good, it was purely accidental!

  2. (me)linda said,

    Dying because my nephew is ADORABLE. It was a great picture.

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